HD Care is a proud partner of the OC Running Festival
HD-CARE is a University of California Irvine support group, 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization. The “HD” in HD-CARE stands for Huntington’s Disease, a progressive, inherited neurodegenerative brain disorder for which there is currently no treatment or cure. “CARE” denotes the organization’s promotion of Community, Advocacy, Research, and Education. Huntington’s Disease (HD) is a progressive, inherited neurodegenerative brain disorder for which there is currently no treatment or cure. HD affects both men and women, all ages and races throughout the world. While symptoms can appear at any age, signs most commonly manifest between the ages of 35 and 55. The disease can also strike young children, adolescents and the elderly. Every child born to an affected parent has a 50% chance of being born with the gene that causes HD. Those who have not inherited the gene will not get the disease and they can not pass it on to their children. HD does not skip generations.

Want to help?
Here's how you can show support for HD-Care.
Run for Free with HD Care!
Register to run, walk or skip FOR FREE at one of the OC Marathon Events and choose either the 5K, Half Marathon, Full Marathon or any Combo Crush event. When you register you will commit to raising money for the charity! Fundraising minimums for each event are listed below.
- 5K - $150
- Half Marathon - $350
- Full Marathon - $500
- Half Combo Crush - $500
- Full Combo Crush - $650
Make sure to select "HD-Care" while setting up your fundraiser, raise money for your cause!
Not ready to commit to a minimum, use code HDCARE15 to pay for your registration, join the team and then start a fundraising page for the charity!
Volunteer with HD Care at our Water Station!
HD Care is in charge of Water Station #19 on the course!
We need awesome volunteers to help us cheer on the Full Marathon runners.
A donation is made to the charity for every volunteer at our water station.
Make a donation to their cause!
HD Care care has a goal of $10,000 raised through the OC Marathon Charity Partner program. You can help by making a donation directly to their page. Every bit helps!