Where do Out-of-Town Marathon Guests Stay?

You have been working so hard preparing for this race. For months, or even years, you have been hitting the pavement, counting the miles, nursing your sore legs, annoying your running buddy when they don’t feel like running, and having them do the same to you. You’re registered, you have your race day shoes, you […]

If You Believe You Can Achieve

In the summer of 2015, I had hit my all-time highest weight. I was nearly 170 lbs. and when running or playing with my then 6 year old daughter, I couldn’t keep up. I knew I had bad knees but the weight wasn’t helping. I went to get the MRI’s in both knees… the result […]

There’s Something About The OC Marathon

There’s something about the OC Marathon that keeps me coming back year after year. I have run races all over the world, but the OC Marathon will always be one of my favorites. The 2018 edition will be my fifth consecutive year running the race.  It was my first full marathon and I have been […]